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This example consists of two separate projects/applications eir_a for the role A...

于 2022-12-05 发布 文件大小:2.38 kB
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This example consists of two separate projects/applications eir_a for the role A device and eir_b for the role B device and uses the Connection library. * eir_a searches for devices and then displays the information on the devices found. * eir_b makes the device visible and responds to Bluetooth 2.1 Extended Inquiry Response (EIR) requests. This ReadMe is not intended to describe procedures that are covered in the xIDE user guide such as building projects in xIDE etc. -This example consists of two separate projects/applications eir_a for the role A device and eir_b for the role B device and uses the Connection library. * eir_a searches for devices and then displays the information on the devices found. * eir_b makes the device visible and responds to Bluetooth 2.1 Extended Inquiry Response (EIR) requests. This ReadMe is not intended to describe procedures that are covered in the xIDE user guide such as building projects in xIDE etc.



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