FastChipProjectsKeilProjectFiles*ThesefilesaretobeputintothedirectoryofyourchoiceandtheprojectistobeopenedfromwithinKeilHexFiles*ThesefilesaretheoutputofKeil.Ifyoudonotwanttocompileandlinkallofthecode,thesefilescanbeloadedintoFastChipdirectly-CPUexamplesofcodebankingtechnology:ThisZipfilecontainsfive(3)folders:FastChipProjectFiles*Thisfoldercontainsafoldercalled-IMDN开发者社群"> FastChipProjectsKeilProjectFiles*ThesefilesaretobeputintothedirectoryofyourchoiceandtheprojectistobeopenedfromwithinKeilHexFiles*ThesefilesaretheoutputofKeil.Ifyoudonotwanttocompileandlinkallofthecode,thesefilescanbeloadedintoFastChipdirectly-CPUexamplesofcodebankingtechnology:ThisZipfilecontainsfive(3)folders:FastChipProjectFiles*Thisfoldercontainsafoldercalled - IMDN开发者社群">
首页 » SCM » CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChi...

CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChi...

于 2022-11-23 发布 文件大小:90.92 kB
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CPU的code banking技术实例: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChip Project Files * This folder contains a folder called "Bank" that should be moved into: FastChipProjects Keil Project Files * These files are to be put into the directory of your choice and the project is to be opened from within Keil Hex Files * These files are the output of Keil. If you do not want to compile and link all of the code, these files can be loaded into FastChip directly -CPU examples of code banking technology: This Zip file contains five (3) folders: FastChip Project Files* This folder contains a folder called



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