这个程序并不帮你翻译任何文字,仅仅只是提供一个专为翻译工作设计的 编辑器.使用它你可以一行行对照的翻译原文. 而当你在翻译过程中碰到了不 认识的新词,计算机能充...
这个程序并不帮你翻译任何文字,仅仅只是提供一个专为翻译工作设计的 编辑器.使用它你可以一行行对照的翻译原文. 而当你在翻译过程中碰到了不 认识的新词,计算机能充当你的词典或笔记本的作用, 让你的翻译工作事半功 倍.当你在翻译某一行文字时,如果发现某个单词不认识,字典区便会显示出单 词的意思,而不需要你的任何按键.当你在字典区没有发现你要的单词时,证明 单词库里没有这个单词,需要你自己从别的途径查找,然后写到字典区内,程序 将马上把它记录在单词库中-this procedure does not help you to translate any text, merely provide a translation for the design editor. Using it you can control the lines of the original translation. But when you in the process of translation encountered did not know a new word, the computer can serve as your dictionary or laptop, so you translation multiplier. when you are in the translation of a text line, if found not understand a word, the dictionary will show that the district words mean, without the need for any of your button. When you zone in the dictionary found no words to you, not to prove the word Curry words, you need Search through other channels, and then wrote a dictionary region, procedures it will be immediately recorded in the word library