performance simulation of network_coding
应用背景In generated networks, selecting one node as source and some nodes as receivers in random (single source multicast network), we make performance test for network coding based multicast route algorithm (we put forward it ourselves, corresponding to high multicast rate and low multicast rate), shortest path distribution tree route algorithm (DIJKSTRA algorithm) and Maximum-rate distribution tree route algorithm (PRIM algorithm), respectively. 关键技术 In this program, two things have been done: (1) generate random topologies (2)performance test。 network coding cap: 5.0000 dijk cap: 5.0000 prim cap: 5.0000 network coding res1: 0.0000--res2: 12.0000 dijk res: 14.0000 prim res: 14.0000 average degree: 2.