首页 » AI-NN-PR » 自组织系统Kohonen网络模型。对于Kohonen神经网络,竞争是这样进行的:对于“赢”的那个神经元c,在其周围Nc的区域内神经元在不同程度上得到兴奋,而在N...


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自组织系统Kohonen网络模型。对于Kohonen神经网络,竞争是这样进行的:对于“赢”的那个神经元c,在其周围Nc的区域内神经元在不同程度上得到兴奋,而在Nc以外的神经元都被抑制。网络的学习过程就是网络的连接权根据训练样本进行自适应、自组织的过程,经过一定次数的训练以后,网络能够把拓扑意义下相似的输入样本映射到相近的输出节点上。网络能够实现从输入到输出的非线性降维映射结构:它是受视网膜皮层的生物功能的启发而提出的。~..~-Kohonen network model. For Kohonen neural network, competition is this : For the "winner" of neurons c, in its switching around the region neurons in varying degrees, to be excited, and the switching outside the neurons were inhibited. Network learning is a process in the network connecting the right under the training samples for adaptive, self-organizing process, after a certain number of training, network topology can sense similar to the mapping of the input samples similar to the output nodes. Network can be achieved from input to output of nonlinear reduced-dimensional mapping structure : it is subject to retinal cortex of the biological function inspired by. ~ ~ ..



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