build environment : VC6.0 and above reader Sector (byte or word reader) to read...
编译环境:VC6.0及以上版本 读写扇区(以字节或字读取) 读写簇(以字节或字读取) 读取FAT项 获取BPB信息 获取某文件或文件夹的目录项信息(入口簇及偏移量) 设置目录项信息(可以通过这来实现更改文件名,文件属性,创建时间等信息)-build environment : VC6.0 and above reader Sector (byte or word reader) to read and write Cluster (byte or word reader) to read FAT items BPB access information access a document or folder directory information items (imported cluster and offset) the installation of Contents items (which can be passed to to achieve change file names, file attributes, create time information)