本设计主要是运用单片机设计一个最小系统――电子时钟,它具有24小时计时功能,能够对时间进行调整,并且能实现时、分、秒的显示,同时还有内设闹钟,时间到时候会响铃,响铃时可以通过按键控制延时再启动或关断。与此同时还设置了整点报时功能;并采用采用了软件去抖的方法扫描键盘,动态刷新显示数码管,并通过查表实现译码输出时间等编程方法;-This design is the use of single-chip design of a minimum system- Electronic clock, it has a 24-hour timer function, capable of time to adjust, and can achieve the hours, minutes and seconds display, but also equipped with alarm clocks, time to When ringing the bell to ring when the button control can delay re-start or shutdown. At the same time also set up the whole point timekeeping function and adopt the use of the software to scan the keyboard shaking method, dynamic refresh display digital tube, and through the realization of decoding look-up table output time programming method