
于 2022-11-03 发布 文件大小:44.46 kB
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PC-Lint是一个历史悠久,功能异常强劲的静态代码检测工具。它的使用历史可以追溯到计算机编程的远古时代(30多年以前)。经过这么多年的发展,它不但能够监测出许多语法逻辑上的隐患,而且也能够有效地帮你提出许多程序在空间利用、运行效率上的改进点,在很多专业级的软件公司,比如Microsoft, PC-Lint检查无错误无警告是代码首先要过的第一关,我个人觉得,对于小公司和个人开发而言,PC-Lint也非常重要,因为基于开发成本考虑,小公司和个人往往不能拿出很多很全面的测试,这时候,PC-Lint的强劲功能可以很好地提高软件的质量。--PC-Lint is an old and very powerful static code checking tool. After more than 30 years development, it could not only detect potential bugs in the codes, but also help improving the space usage of your programs. In some big software companies, like Microsoft, the first requirement of the code is to pass PC-Lint. For small companies or personal developers, PC-Lint could also be very helpful.



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