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纯方位跟踪:目标为匀速直线运动模型,可以迅速收敛。-Bearing_only tracking



0 个回复

  • L-M算法。除了动量法(基于梯度下降的训练算法)外,学习率自适应调整策略是BP算法改进的另一种途径,它利用Levenberg-Marquardt优化方法,从而使得学习时间更短。其缺点是,对于复杂的问题,该方法需要很大的存储空间。 -L-M algorithm. In addition to momentum (based on the gradient descent algorithm for training), learning rate adaptive strategy is to improve the algorithm BP Another approach, which uses Levenberg-Marquardt optimization method, which makes learning time is even shorter. Its weakness is that the complex problems that the method requires a lot of storage space.
    2023-08-10 03:25:04下载
  • 我自己编写的A*搜索算法,效率还是很不错的,推荐。
    我自己编写的A*搜索算法,效率还是很不错的,推荐。-myself prepared by the A* search algorithm, the efficiency is still very good and recommended.
    2022-08-21 23:11:33下载
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    蚁群算法:用来进行路径设计、查找、规划等-Ant Colony Algorithm: Path used for design, search, planning, etc.
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  • 本代码用基于steve语言的breve软件编写的,此软件是一种3D人工智能的环境模拟器,可以用来构建AGENT...
    本代码用基于steve语言的breve软件编写的,此软件是一种3D人工智能的环境模拟器,可以用来构建AGENT-BASED SYSTEM和模拟机器人行为。本代码实现功能如下:机器人服务模拟。自动取得饮料,递送给客人,客人喝完后,另一种清理机器人处理瓶子并运送垃圾堆。主要为了证明机器人运动中的一种Deliberative设计结构。软件下载地址:http://www.spiderland.org/breve/download.php 打开我上传的文件后,点运行就可以看效果。-The code-based software steve language breve prepared, the artificial intelligence software is a 3D environment simulator can be used to build the AGENT-BASED SYSTEM and robot behavior simulation. Realize this function code is as follows: service robot simulation. Automatically beverages, delivered to the guests, the guests after the finish, another robot cleaning up the bottle and the delivery of garbage treatment. Mainly in order to prove that the movement of a robot design structure Deliberative. Software Download: http://www.spiderland.org/breve/download.php open my uploaded file, you can look at the effect of running.
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  • Autolife模型是一个能够进行“开放式进化”的人工生命系统。每个Agent模型采用可以变化规则表长度的有限自动机模型建模。一方面Agent可以进行自我繁殖,...
    Autolife模型是一个能够进行“开放式进化”的人工生命系统。每个Agent模型采用可以变化规则表长度的有限自动机模型建模。一方面Agent可以进行自我繁殖,同时模型中的选择机制没有采用显式的适应度函数而是采用能量消耗的简单模型而自发涌现出来,所以可以认为Agent模型是一个类Tierra系统。然而与Tierra、Avida等数字生命模型不同的是,Autolife模型进行了大大的简化,它界面友好,操作直接。虽然没有给每个Agent装配一个虚拟计算机,但是Agent与环境的耦合则可以看成一个图灵机模型,因此Agent可以通过变异而“任意”的编程序。通过Autolife模型,首先人们可以看到一般的生态系统中共存的现象:生物的大爆炸、大灭绝,Agent进化得越来越聪明;其次,用户可以通过变化不同的食物添加规则探索Agent与环境的关系;最后,如果允许Agent通过播种改变环境自动产生食物,那么组织的涌现就是一种不可避免的结果。Agent构成的组织具有自主运动的特性,还可以进行自我修复,可以说Autolife中的组织是一些真正的“活体”。-Autolife model is to conduct an "open-evolution" artificial life system. Each Agent can be used model changes the rules limited the length of the table automatic machine modeling. One Agent can be self-propagation, model selection mechanism not used Explicit the fitness function instead of using the energy consumption of a simple model to emerge spontaneously, so that the agent can be a model category Tierra system. But with Tierra, Avida digital life model is different Autolife model for greatly simplified its
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