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complex in the middle of an application process, based on the level display soft...

于 2022-10-29 发布 文件大小:42.19 kB
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在一个中等复杂的应用程序中,按用户的层次展示软件的特征比较合适。对于初学者,有限制地显示一些特征是应该的;而对于熟练用户,则应全面展示应用程序的特征。这样,就需要根据用户层次扩展/收缩对话框-complex in the middle of an application process, based on the level display software features more appropriate. For beginners, there are limitations to show some characteristics should be; For advanced users, should fully demonstrate the application"s features. In this way, users need to expand level/contraction dialog



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