首页 » 其他项目 » % 该Matlab程序基于牛顿-拉夫逊算法,用于计算已知导纳矩阵、PQ节点、PV节点、平衡节点(UA)的电力网络潮流 % U...

% 该Matlab程序基于牛顿-拉夫逊算法,用于计算已知导纳矩阵、PQ节点、PV节点、平衡节点(UA)的电力网络潮流 % U...

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% 该Matlab程序基于牛顿-拉夫逊算法,用于计算已知导纳矩阵、PQ节点、PV节点、平衡节点(UA)的电力网络潮流 % U - 各节点母线电压 S - 各节点注入功率 S_net - 电力网络总损耗 % PQ_P - 实算PQ节点注入有功功率 PQ_Q - 实算PQ节点注入无功功率 % delt_PQ_P - 实算PQ节点有功功率修正值 delt_PQ_Q -实算PQ节点无功功率修正值 % delt_UA_P - 实平衡节点有功功率修正值 delt_U_2 - 实平衡节点电压平方修正值 % delt_PQV - 实算P Q U^2修正值 J - 雅可比矩阵 % e - 电压实部 f - 电压虚部 delt_ef - 电压实部与虚部修正值- The Matlab program based on the Newton- Raphson algorithm is used to calculate the admittance matrix is known, PQ node, PV node, the node balance (UA) the trend of the electricity networks U- the node bus voltage S- each node injection power S_net-- The total loss of electric power networks PQ_P- operator PQ is injected into active nodes PQ_Q- operator PQ is injected reactive power node delt_PQ_P- is considered the correct value of active power PQ node delt_PQ_Q- really count PQ node reactive power to amend the value of delt_UA_P- real active power balance of the correct value of the node delt_U_2- node voltage balance is the correct value of the square o



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