首页 » 其他项目 » 程序使用Windows兼容模式设计,能在Windows98,2000,XP环境下运行。程序上部靠中位置是玩家的各个属性,上部靠右位置是电脑对手的各个属性。1.玩...


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程序使用Windows兼容模式设计,能在Windows98,2000,XP环境下运行。程序上部靠中位置是玩家的各个属性,上部靠右位置是电脑对手的各个属性。1.玩家根据自己当前的生命、内力、时间等属性选择招式,选好招式后就可以按出招按钮出招。出招后自动扣除此招所耗的内力与时间值。2.电脑接招并出招,接招时判断命中率,如果命中的话就从生命值中扣除伤害值,如果玩家所出的招式打中的部位正好是电脑此招的防守部位的话,而且判断防守率,如果防守成功的话伤害减少或者会为零;而如果打中电脑此招的破绽部位是,同时判断破绽率,如果出现破绽的话伤害就会增加,但肯定不会第一招就秒杀啦。3.接着就交由玩家接招与出招,规则与上面一样,如此循环到一方的势耗尽或者生命为零时就决出胜负。-procedures for the use of Windows-compatible model design, in Windows 98, 2000, XP operating environment. Procedures were on the top position player is the individual attributes, the upper right-hand position of the computer opponent"s individual attributes. 1. Players under their current lives, stress and time attributes choice team, selected after the tactic could make a button to make moves. Make moves after the bills automatically deducted this cost to the Force and time value. 2. The computer will react and make moves, the judge will react when hit, if hit on the value of life from harm deduct the value, if players are out of forms that hit parts of th



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