首页 » Windows开发 » 模拟固定分区存储管理的分配与回收。固定分区就是把内存区固定地划分为若干个大小不等的区域。分区一旦划分结束,在整个执行过程中每个分区的长度和内存的总分区个数将保持...


于 2022-10-19 发布 文件大小:2.65 kB
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模拟固定分区存储管理的分配与回收。固定分区就是把内存区固定地划分为若干个大小不等的区域。分区一旦划分结束,在整个执行过程中每个分区的长度和内存的总分区个数将保持不变。当用户进程提出内存分配要求时,找到满足要求的分区分给它,进程执行完后,回收进程和它占有的资源-Simulation regular distribution and recovery which stores management of dividing into area. The regular assigning to area divides the memory district into several areas not of uniform size regularly. Divide and is over in the dividing area, the number of total points area of the length and memory of the each one area will keep intact in the whole course of carrying out. When user s process proposes the demand of assigning of the memory , find fen meeting the demands to distinguish to it, after the process is carried out, retrieve the process and resource which it occupy



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