功能概述: 提供一个时间序列的分析插件,只需要提供时间轴和数值轴,就可以进行相关的可视化分析计算。 接口要求: 利用TeeChart为主要平台构建,支持WebService,支持ActiveX,支持OLE Automation。 所有数值序列采用数组存储,独立于数据库,支持数据的转入转出,支持文本和XML等格式导入导出 图像支持矢量输出,支持多种文件格式输出,支持Stream方式输出图像。 序列数据源(含中间序列)支持交互修改. 基于年序列的频率分析见单独的频率分析插件Hfre(R),与空间相关的分析参考Viso和Space插件。 -functions outlined : to provide a time-series analysis of plug-ins, need only provide time frame and numerical axis, it can be related to the visual analysis. Interface : use TeeChart main platform for building support WebService support ActiveX, OLE Automation support. All numerical sequence using array storage, independent of the database, support data transfer to support XML and text formats derived images into vector output support, support for multiple output file formats, support Stream mode output images. Sequence data sources (including intermediate sequence) support interactive changes. Based on the frequency, sequence analysis, see separate plug-frequency analysis Hfre (R), and space-related analysis a