《网络安全开发包详解》随书光盘源码 本书以计算机网络安全开发包技术为核心,详细讨论了几个著名的网络安全开发包,它们分别是网络数据包捕获开发包Libpcap,...
《网络安全开发包详解》随书光盘源码 本书以计算机网络安全开发包技术为核心,详细讨论了几个著名的网络安全开发包,它们分别是网络数据包捕获开发包Libpcap,Windows网络数据包捕获开发包WinPcap,数据包构造和发送开发包Libnet,通用网络安全开发包Libdnet。 -"Network security development kits Comments on" CD with the book source book to a computer network security development kits technology at the core, detailed discussion of several well-known network security development kits, They are the network data packet capture Libpcap development kits, Windows network data packet capture WinPcap development kits, Construction data packets and sent development kits Libnet, common network security development kits Libdnet.