1能输入 添加 修改 删除学生的个人信息以及各科成绩 2可对学生成绩进行总分合计 平均分计算 单科排名以及综合成绩排名 3可按...
1能输入 添加 修改 删除学生的个人信息以及各科成绩 2可对学生成绩进行总分合计 平均分计算 单科排名以及综合成绩排名 3可按照学生姓名 学号 或者其他信息进行学生以及其成绩的综合查询 4能够队按照班级 个人等形式对学生信息一起成绩进行报表汇总与打印 5建立学生成绩数据库或者磁盘文件 储存相关信息 -1 can enter the students to add modify delete personal information, as well as subjects of the student achievement results can be carried out 2 Total combined average score calculation Billing Division of the rankings, as well as a comprehensive performance ranking 3 Student Name Student ID in accordance with, or other information on students and their achievements in a comprehensive Look to teams in accordance with four classes and other forms of personal student information with the summary of results to report student achievement and print 5 to establish a database or a disk file storage of relevant information