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于 2009-04-16 发布 文件大小:1KB
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  本次课程设计的任务是:针对大学的计算机系本科课程,根据课程之间的依赖关系,制定课程安排计划,并满足各学期课程数日大致相同。按照用户输入的课程数,学期数,课程间的先后关系数目以及课程间两两间的先后关系,程序执行后会给出每学期应学的课程。(The task of curriculum design: for the University Department of Computer Science undergraduate courses, according to the dependencies between the courses, the development of curriculum programs and courses meet the needs of the semester a few days or less the same. Courses in accordance with the user input the number of semesters the number of courses has the relationship between the number of inter-course sequence of 22 relations, program execution will be given each semester school curriculum.)





0 个回复

  • qidongshiyan
    非线性气动系统实验的源代码,使用滑膜控制的方法(Pneumatic system test source code)
    2010-05-10 17:08:30下载
  • 6645678
    在文档 视图程序中加入闪屏,VC++编程精选学习源码,很好的参考资料。(Join the splash screen in the document view program, VC++ programming featured learning source code, a good reference.)
    2013-11-19 18:55:34下载
  • base64
    Base64解码方法中,最简单的也是查表法:将64个可打印字符的值作为索引,查表得到的值((Base64 decoding method, the simplest is the look-up table method: 64 printable character value as an index lookup values ​ ​ obtained ()
    2013-07-02 21:35:04下载
  • Wumpus
    人工智能中的有关Wumpus世界的源程序 功能非常强大(artificial intelligence of the Wumpus source in the world is very powerful)
    2020-11-03 21:09:52下载
  • client-server
    多协议文件传输c/s网络应用设计与实现,程序用 TCP/UDP 两个协议模拟多协议服务器。首先服务器端要将两种协议的套接字创建好,并且监听 TCP 端口的连接。必要时使用select函数来进行多连接处理和非阻塞处理。而客户端直接可以按照发送的地址和端口号来进行通讯。 首先要运行服务器端,服务器会监听 TCP 端口。然后运行客户端,根据事先设定好的 IP和端口,就可以进行连接传输数据了。 程序实现的关键步骤: 以TCP协议为例 服务器端: 1.创建套接字;2.绑定端口;3.进入无穷的循环;4.接收请求;5.处理请求;6.应答。 客户端: 1.找到服务器的IP地址和协议的端口号;2.创建套接字;3.确定连接需要任意的,没有使用的端口号允许TCP去选择一个;4.将套接字和服务器连接;5.使用应用层协议和服务器交互;6.关闭连接。 (Multi-protocol file transfer c/s network application design and implementation of programs simulate multi-protocol server with TCP/UDP both protocols. First socket server to create a good two protocols, TCP port and listens for connections. If necessary, use the function to handle multiple connections and non-blocking treatment. And the client can follow directly address and port number to communicate. First run on the server side, the server listens on TCP port. Then run the client, according to pre-configured IP and port, you can connect the data transmission. The key step program implementation: In TCP protocol as an example Service-Terminal: 1. Create a socket 2 bound port 3 enter an infinite loop 4. receiving a request 5. processing requests 6 response. Clients: 1. Locate the server s IP address and protocol port number 2 creates a socket 3 connections need to determine arbitrary, unused port allows TCP to choose a 4 and the socket server connections 5 using appli)
    2016-07-11 10:19:07下载
  • FileHide
    文件隐藏,在驱动级操作,实现文件的隐藏。需要ddk支持(Documents hidden in the drive-level operations, realization of the hidden files. Need ddk Support)
    2010-01-29 16:09:03下载
  • bianchenggaoshou
    说明:  非常不错的一本VC++编程书籍,《编程高手箴言》,程序员必备(Very good one VC++ Programming books, )
    2008-10-31 16:20:00下载
  • ColorProcess121
    可以过滤颜色进行图形变化的 ,。(can filter changes color graphics,.)
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  • FNUSB_v02000405
    usb通讯 ,实现与设备的USB通讯连接。直接调用就可以使用,清册可是。(USB COMM you can use is to develop your own app.)
    2017-10-26 13:03:54下载
  • CY7C68013-A
    usb 的开发文档,非常有参考价值 详细讲述了CY7C68013的开发过程(usb development documents, a very valuable reference for a detailed account of the development process CY7C68013)
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  • 696518资源总数
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