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With the rise of the Internet and web

于 2022-09-25 发布 文件大小:3.54 MB
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随着Internet的兴起和以网页为载体的网络信息的广泛传播,网页制作中对于内容的动态显示与更新需求量越来越大。编写一个令人满意的动态网页已成为许多网页设计人员的目标。在众多的编写环境中,Microsoft Active Server Pages(ASP)以其强大的技术力量背景及容易掌握的语言环境迅速占领了大片市场、获得了众多网页设计人员的青睐。为了使更多的人掌握ASP应用程序的编写,本书以丰富的事例、简单的语言较全面的介绍了ASP应用程序的设计方法与技巧,并详细的介绍了Microsoft SQL Server在ASP应用程序中的应用。-With the rise of the Internet and web-vector of the extensive information network, website content production for the dynamic display and update the increasing demand. Prepare a satisfactory dynamic website has become many Web designers goal. Many in the preparation of the environment, Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP) is a strong technical force background and easy to master the language quickly occupied the large markets, many Web designers of all ages. In order to enable more people learn ASP applications in the preparation of this book with abundant examples, in simple language more comprehensive introduction to the ASP application design methods and techniques, and a detailed introduction to the Microsoft SQL Se



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