企业进销存管理系统说,本系统主要实现了支持多条件查询、批量填写进货单及销售单、与代理商和供应商往来账本明细,绝不存在假账、漏账、差账等情况、图表分析月销售状况、当外界环境(停电、网络病毒)干扰本系统时,系统可以自动保护原始数据的安全、强大的报表打印等功能-Purchase, Sales and Inventory Management System for Enterprise said that the system is mainly to support the realization of multi-criteria query, fill in quantities and sales of single-进货单with agents and suppliers, details of contacts book, does not even exist accounting, missed payments, bad debts, etc. Analysis of sales on the chart, when the external environment (power, network virus) interfere with the system, the system can automatically protect the safety of the raw data, powerful features such as print statements