文曲星里的小游戏,本人用C语言将其编出并添加破纪录功能。游戏规则:随机产生4个数字,由玩家输入4个不重复的数字(如:8 3 1 2)按回车后电脑给出提示,其形式...
文曲星里的小游戏,本人用C语言将其编出并添加破纪录功能。游戏规则:随机产生4个数字,由玩家输入4个不重复的数字(如:8 3 1 2)按回车后电脑给出提示,其形式为"?A?B".你所输入的四位数中,位置和数字都正确则为A,数字相同但位置不相同时为B,你只可以猜10次,若你所用的次数小于纪录保持者,则为破纪录。小作一篇,请多请教!-文曲星small game, I used C language to prepare and add a record feature. The rules of the game: randomly generated four figures, by the four players enter the number of non-repetition (such as: 8 3 1 2) after the computer and press the Enter tips given in the form of ? A? B . You enter the four- the median, the location and numbers are correct, compared with A, but the location is not the same as the same as B, and you can only guess 10 times, if you used the number is less than record holder, was a record. For a small, please ask!