首页 » SCM » 飞思卡尔S12 系列单片机系统硬件设计,详细介绍了该单片机的硬件使用,为全中文,MC9S12DG128B 有16路AD 转换,精度最高可设置为10 位;有8 路...

飞思卡尔S12 系列单片机系统硬件设计,详细介绍了该单片机的硬件使用,为全中文,MC9S12DG128B 有16路AD 转换,精度最高可设置为10 位;有8 路...

于 2022-09-14 发布 文件大小:1.17 MB
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飞思卡尔S12 系列单片机系统硬件设计,详细介绍了该单片机的硬件使用,为全中文,MC9S12DG128B 有16路AD 转换,精度最高可设置为10 位;有8 路8 位PWM 并可两两级联为16 位精度PWM,特别适合用于控制多电机系统。它的串行通信端口也非常丰富,有2 路SCI,2 路SPI 此外还有IIC,CAN总线等端口,并且采用了引角复用功能,使得这些功能引角也可设置为普通的IO 端口使用。此外 它内部还集成了完整的模糊逻辑指令,可大大简化我们的程序设计。-Freescale s S12 family of single-chip microcomputer system hardware design, detail the use of single-chip hardware for the whole Chinese, MC9S12DG128B 16 Road AD conversion, the highest precision can be set to 10 are 8 and 8 PWM 22 Alliance for the 16-bit precision PWM, is particularly suitable for controlling multi-motor system. Its serial communication ports are also very rich 2-way SCI, 2 road SPI in addition to IIC, CAN bus, such as ports, and using the primers angle multiplexing function, so that these functions can also be cited angle is set to normal IO port to use. In addition, it also integrates the internal integrity of the fuzzy logic instructions, can greatly simplify the design of our procedures.



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