首页 » 汇编语言 » 本系统以AT89S52单片机为核心部件,外加温度采集电路、及显示电路和越限报警等电路。采用单总线型数字式的温度传感器DS18B20,使系统具有测温误差小、分辨率...


于 2022-09-14 发布 文件大小:618.59 kB
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本系统以AT89S52单片机为核心部件,外加温度采集电路、及显示电路和越限报警等电路。采用单总线型数字式的温度传感器DS18B20,使系统具有测温误差小、分辨率高、抗干扰能力强,动态显示的方式等特点。本设计既可以对当前温度进行检测又可以对温度进行数码显示,两位整数两位小数的显示方式具有更高的显示精度,若超越极限温度则触发蜂鸣器报警。利用功能强大的Keil和具有互动电路仿真的Proteus进行程序的编写和仿真。-The system AT89S52 microcontroller as its core components, plus the temperature acquisition circuit, and display circuitry, and the more limited alarm circuits. Single bus-type digital temperature sensor DS18B20, the system has a temperature measurement error of the small, high resolution, anti-interference ability, dynamic show the way and so on. This design not only can detect the current temperature can also right temperature digital display, two integers with two decimal places are displayed to show a higher precision, if the temperature is beyond the limits of buzzer alarm is triggered. Keil and the use of powerful interactive circuit simulation of the Proteus programming the preparation and simulation.



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