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Program for 3 phaze power meeter

于 2022-09-10 发布 文件大小:5.58 kB
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Program for 3 phaze power meeter



0 个回复

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    汽车信号灯控制系统 汽车上有一转弯控制杆。此控制杆有三个位置: 1、 中间位置时,汽车不转弯; 2、 向上时,汽车左转; 3、 向下时,汽车右转; 4、 汽车转弯时,要求左右尾灯、左右头灯和仪表板上的2个指标灯相应地发出闪烁信号; 5、 当应急开关合上时,所有6个信号灯都应闪烁; 6、 汽车刹车时,2个尾灯发出不闪烁的信号; 7、 如刹车时正在转弯,则相应的转弯闪烁信号不受影响。 8、 汽车转弯或应急状态下,外部信号灯和仪表板指示灯的闪烁频率为1HZ。 9、 停靠(合上停靠开关):头灯、尾灯以30Hz的频率闪烁。 -car lights on the car control system is a turn-control. This control rod position are three : a middle position, the car turns; 2, upward, the vehicle turn left; 3. downward car when turning; four car turning, asked about taillights, about headlights and instrument panel in the two corresponding indicator lights flashing to send signals; 5, when a switch on the emergency, all six lights should be flashing; 6, car brakes, two rear of no flashing signal; 7. if the brakes are turning, turning corresponding flashing signal is not affected. 8, cars turning or state of emergency, external appearance and the dashboard lights flicker frequency 1HZ. 9, call (a call on the switch) : headlights, taillights to the frequ
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