Document Description This document is designed to help the vast numbers of fans...
文档说明 本文档旨在帮助广大javascript爱好者快速了解jquery库,以及供广大应用jquery进行开发的人员 提供一个速查手册! 本文档资源来自于,部分内容直接翻译或copy自!感谢jquery框架开发者 John Resig及其所在的jQuery team.为我们提供这么好的javascript开发类库,感谢为 翻译做出的努力! 注意事项 本文档大部分内容收集其网络,所以任何涉jQuery的法律及权益的问题与本文档整理者无关! -Document Description This document is designed to help the vast numbers of fans quickly understand the jQuery javascript library jQuery, as well as for the vast number of applications developed to provide a manual Info! Resources in this document from, part of the contents of a direct translation or copy from! JQuery framework for developers to thank John Resig and where the jQuery team. Provide us with the development of such a good javascript library, thanks for the translation efforts! Note most of the contents of this document the collection of its network, and therefore, any related laws and the rights and interests of jQuery problems and in this document are not related t