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为了规范程序开发,方便管理,为版本管理做准备,制定下述的代码设计时的工作流程规范。 1. 所有人员按照程序书写规范书写程序,包括头文件,交易源文件,库源文件。 2. 程序分为前台程序,后台程序。对外提供的函数需要以库文件的方式提供。当库和交易编码和测试结束后,填写程序提交表。程序提交表提交给组长,组长阶段汇总后提交总体组。每阶段没有重复的,除非提交后进行了改动。总体组将根据各组提交的“交易汇总表”进行核对。 3. 程序提交表 编号: -In order to standardize procedures for the development, facilitate management, version management for preparing the following code to develop the design of the workflow specification. 1. All personnel in accordance with the norms of written procedures for writing procedures, including the header files, the transaction source file, library source files. 2. Procedures are divided into front desk procedures, the background process. Provide the function needs to be provided in the form of library files. When the database and transaction coding and testing after completing the procedures to submit form. Procedures for submission of forms submitted to the head after the head of the stage of the overall Group summary. Do not duplicate each stage, unless a change afte



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