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于 2022-09-01 发布 文件大小:5.32 kB
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CPLD与51单片机总线接 -CPLD with 51 microcontroller bus access



0 个回复

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  • AVR_Meag8模拟USB接口,并实现数模采集ADC,包含PC机端源码
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  • This procedure is simple 12232F
    本程序为简单的12232F型LCD液晶显示及键盘功能程序 K1键为进入调整,进入后显示四个0,再次按下为退出调整,初始状态 为首行显示河北工程大学 K2键为进入调整后加一 K3键为进入调整后减一 K4键为光标右移 -This procedure is simple 12232F-LCD liquid crystal display and keyboard function keys for entry into the program K1 adjust, enter the show after four 0, once again press for the withdrawal adjust, line shows the initial state, headed by Hebei University of Engineering K2 adjust keys for entry into the after One key for entry into the K3 adjusted by one for the cursor keys K4 shifted to right
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  • 匠人手记,描述的是一位单片机爱好者对MCU实践和思考,其中详细的说明里单片机工作者在工作中的体会。本人对此深深佩服。...
    匠人手记,描述的是一位单片机爱好者对MCU实践和思考,其中详细的说明里单片机工作者在工作中的体会。本人对此深深佩服。-Artisan Notes, described in a single-chip MCU lovers practice and thinking, including a detailed explanation of Singlechip workers experience at work. I deeply admire.
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  • In cable television in the realization of program
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