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JSP induction manual for those who like JSP friends should be helpful

于 2022-08-24 发布 文件大小:2.06 MB
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JSP入门手册,对于一些喜欢JSP的朋友应该很有帮助的-JSP induction manual for those who like JSP friends should be helpful



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  • 该软件是一个运行在Penbex OS(v1.3),映射函数图像工具的…
    本软件是一个运行在Penbex OS (v1.3)上的绘制函数图像的工具。用它可以绘制平面直角坐标系下的显函数和隐函数的图像。与大部分绘制函数图像的软件不同,用本软件不但可以绘制隐函数的图像而且对隐函数的复杂程度没有限制。不过,绘制复杂隐函数的图像将花费相当长的时间,因此,请尽量以 y=f(x) 这样的显函数的形式输入函数的表达式。另外,以直观的“数学形式”显示函数的表达式也是本软件的一个特色。-the software is running on a Penbex OS (v1.3), the mapping function Image tool. It can be used mapping plane rectangular coordinate system and the significant function implicit function images. With the majority of the mapping function images of different software, use the mapping software can not only implicit function of the hidden images and the complexity of functions without restrictions. However, the implicit function mapping complex image will take a very long time, so please try to y = f (x) such a significant function in the form of the expression input function. In addition to the intuitive "mathematical form" showed the expression function of the software is also a feature.
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