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可枚举Win2000系统服务-enumerable Win2000 system services



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  • in the design, Xinxiang City of self
    在本次设计中,通过对新乡市自学考试和考生信息管理方式的调查,利用ASP、Dreamweaver、Fireworks等网站开发软件创建了新乡市自学考试网站,实现了网上报考、成绩和座号查询的功能。 新乡市自学考试网站开通的网上报考是自学考试报名方式的一项重大改革,也是新乡市自学考试网站的关键技术和难点。网上报考系统使考生省去了来回奔波、到现场排队填写报名卡等手续,它充分发挥网络的优势,使考生的报考时间更充裕,网上报考比社会报名点更早开始,更迟截止。无论考生身在何处都可以轻松报考,完全没有时空的限制。当考生在报考期间内想修改在线报考的结果, 随时重新登陆系统,即可以重新选择报考的科目,提高了信息采集的及时性、准确性。自学考试网站方便了考生的报考、查询,了解自学考试政策、自学考试办公室最新通知,便于自学考试政策的执行。 自学考试网站的创建使新乡市的自学考试管理方式又上升了一个层次,适应了社会发展的需求。-in the design, Xinxiang City of self-examination and information management candidates to the survey, the use of ASP, Dreamweaver, Fireworks such as web site development and software to create a self-examination of Xinxiang City website, sit through the Internet, achievements and seat inquiry functions. Self-examination of Xinxiang City website launched on the Internet is self-sit the examination form of a major reform, as well as self-examination Xinxiang City website the key technical and difficult. Online system allows candidates to sit eliminating the back and forth, to the scene to fi
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