首页 » Windows Socket编程 » melody1.2 源码

melody1.2 源码

于 2022-08-24 发布 文件大小:3.61 MB
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下载积分: 2 下载次数: 1


#include "MemoryModule.h" #include "resource.h" #include "C_svchost.h" typedef int (WINAPI *PFN_POPMSGBOX)(void); #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:WININET.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:WS2_32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:PSAPI.DLL") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:GDI32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:ADVAPI32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:SHELL32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:SHLWAPI.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:MSVFW32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:WINMM.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:USER32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:WTSAPI32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:IMM32.dll") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAY:nobind") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAY:unload") #pragma comment(lib, "DELAYIMP.LIB") #pragma comment(linker, "/DELAYLOAD:USER32



0 个回复

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     各个线程任务分配是这样实现的。在开始下载时,文件平均分成若干块进行下载。如第一个线程一开始的任务是从文件的0位置开始下载一直到72908位置处。线程1每次下载一块数据后就要调整任务,如第一次下载了20800字节的数据,那么线程1的任务将改为:20800-72908。如此下去,直到任务为72908-72908时表示线程1完成了当前的下载任务。此时,线程1就分析各个线程的任务,找出任务最为繁忙的一个线程:如线程3:14816-218724。那么线程1就自动去调整任务,拿50%的任务来再次下载。周而复始直到各个线程都完成任务。不过这里有一点需要注意:为了避免重复下载部分数据,在调整任务的时候,起始的文件便移量必须加上接受缓冲器的字节数,因为如前面所举的列子来看。线程1和线程3在平衡负载的时候,线程正在下载数据,如果所剩的数据比接受缓冲器的大小还小,线程1和线程3的部分下载数据将会重复。   在调整任务和分析任务的时候,会发现一个问题。就是读取文件数据太过频繁。于是我用了一个数据结构。在下载文件的过程中始终打开配置文件,这样速度提高了很多。在文件下载完毕后关闭文件。-various threads assignment is achieved. At the beginning of the download, the paper divided into a number of pieces of the download. As a thread of a task is to start from the position paper of 0 to start the download has 72,908 locations Department. Thread a download each one will have to adjust the data tasks, such as the first downloaded 20,800 gigabytes of data, then threaded a task will be re :20800- 72908. This situation continues until the mandate of 72908-72908 said threaded a completion of the cu
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