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Microsoft' s automated phone queuing system, the client, using TAPI 2.x

于 2022-08-24 发布 文件大小:16.79 kB
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Microsoft公司的电话自动排队系统客户端,使用TAPI 2.x-Microsoft" s automated phone queuing system, the client, using TAPI 2.x



0 个回复

  • 使用TAPI 2.x的电话排队转接的源程序,做呼叫中心必须的
    使用TAPI 2.x的电话排队转接的源程序,做呼叫中心必须的-TAPI 2.x using the phone line adapter of the source, do the necessary call center
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  • a c realized acd example.
    一个c++实现的acd的例子。 ----ACDCommandListener.cpp ---ACDCommandListenerThread.cpp ---ACDConfig.cpp ---acd.c-a c realized acd example.---- ACDCommandListener. Cpp--- ACDCommandL istenerThread.cpp--- ACDConfig. cpp--- acd. c
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  •  本文提供的方法适合于Microsoft Windows XP 操作系统 学习如何使用实时通信(RTC)API创建音频与视频会议、共享应用程序、共享白...
     本文提供的方法适合于Microsoft Windows XP 操作系统 学习如何使用实时通信(RTC)API创建音频与视频会议、共享应用程序、共享白板、简单的点对点聊天对话以及整合音频与视频调节向导的接口。实时通信API为任何基于Microsoft Windows XP的应用程序提供了卓越的基于个人计算机的通信性能--即时消息、音频与视频会议、应用程序的共享/协作。 -This article provides methods suitable for Microsoft Windows XP operating system to learn how to use the real-time communication (RTC) API to create audio and video conferencing, application sharing, shared whiteboard, simple point-to-point chat dialogue, and integration of audio and video adjustment wizard interface. Real-time communication API for any Microsoft Windows XP-based applications that provide excellent personal computers based on the communication performance instant messaging, audio and video conferencing, application sharing/collaboration.
    2022-04-28 01:51:53下载
  • 简单的Tapi例子,实现了PC机电话通信功能。
    简单的Tapi例子,实现了PC机电话通信功能。-Tapi simple example.
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    tapi3.0实现的数据发送程序,可以结合directshow发送视频。-tapi3.0 achieve this data procedures can be combined directshow this video.
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  • Microsoft' s automated phone queuing system, the client, using TAPI 2.x
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  • flame1105568
    本页主要讨论电话主叫识别信息传送及显示功能的技术,并结合东进TC-08ACID卡探讨主叫识别的实现和常见错 误的解决办法。这里不讨论数字程控交换中采用局间信令传送主叫识别信息显示的内容。(telephone caller identification information transmission and display technologies, combining East and into TC-08ACID caller identification card on the achievement of the common mistakes and solutions. Figures here not to discuss the use of program- controlled exchange between the Bureau signaling transmission caller identification information that the content.)
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