一个小巧的代理程序(编译后压缩大约5K),工作模式是多线程的,和异步模式比较是这个的代码思路直观、简单明了,不过当然没异步的性能了,同样是工作在1个端口,根据分析请求的数据,同时支持3种常用代理: 1, HTTP代理(支持模式:GET,POST,CONNECT) 2, Sock4代理 3, Sock5代理(TCP,UDP) -a compact agents (compiled compressed about 5K), the mode is a multithreaded, Asynchronous mode and comparison is the code of visual ideas simple and clear, but certainly not the performance of the asynchronous, the same work in a port, based on an analysis of the requested data, while supporting three kinds of agents : 1. HTTP proxy (mode of support : GET, POST, CONNECT) 2, 3 Sock4 agent, Sock5 Agents (TCP, UDP)