interactive charts generated graphics (PHP version) profiles : 1. Creating curve...
交互式图形图表生成程序(PHP机版) 功能简介: 1. 可生成曲线图、折线图、极坐标曲线图和折线图、条形图、柱状图、饼图、3D条形图、3D柱状图、3D饼图 2. 对曲线图、折线图、极坐标曲线图和折线图,可选择线型以及对数据点的标注 3. 可指定图形的尺寸 4. 可将图形在客户端保存为图片 5. 方便的数据输入和修改(查看图形后若不满意可立即修改)-interactive charts generated graphics (PHP version) profiles : 1. Creating curves, Plotting, polar curves and Plotting, bar charts, column, pie, 3D bar charts, 3D histogram, 3D pie 2. Right curve, Plotting , polar curves and Plotting, and the right choice of linear dimension of the data points 3. the graphics can be specified size 4. the graphics can be preserved for client Photo 5. to facilitate data entry and modifications (see graphic after it is not immediately amended)