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于 2022-08-21 发布 文件大小:169.58 kB
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用凌阳单片机开发的迎奥知识问答机器人。 通过语音识别功能。实现全语音操作。 能通过语音操纵它前进,后退,左转,右转,跳舞,并且能进行交互式的知识问答。如果回答错了,机器人将给于正确答案还和一句鼓励的话,如果回答对了机器人将为你跳一段舞,全部答目答完后会给出总成绩。-Single-chip developed by Sunplus Ying Austrian robot quiz. Via voice recognition. Realize full-voice operations. Voice manipulation it can move forward and backward, turn left, turn right, dancing, and can be interactive quiz. If the answer is wrong, the robot will be in the correct answer and also an encouragement, and if the answer to will you jump for some robot dance, all the heads at the end of A will give a total score.



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