编写一程序,统计学生的成绩信息(保存在文件Score.dat中)。 要求: 1. 能按总分,数学成绩,英语成绩,计算机成绩分别排序 2. 能分别统计数学,英语,计算机中不及格人数 3. 能按学号查找学生,并显示该学生信息。 注 1. 从文件中读入数据以及功能菜单显示已在文件ReadData.c 和Menu.c中给出; 2. 代码的总体结构已在文件Score.c中给出,并定义了一些函数头,但有关函数体代码和一些主程序处理代码要求学生填写,也可以修改函数头; 编译score.c即可 -prepared a procedure, the results of the students statistical information (stored in the document Score.dat). Requirements : 1. According to score, the math and English results, the computer results were 2 ranking. Statistics were able to mathematics, English, Computer failure number three. can search by school, students, and that the student information. Note 1. Read from the file into the data and functions of the menu showed the documentary and Menu.c ReadData.c given; 2. The overall code structure has been the Score.c given, and the definition of some of the first function, However, the body function code and address some main program code requiring students to complete, can also modify function first; compiler can s