本书属于案例开发系列,以“网上购物系统”为基线,贯穿介绍J2EE相关高级实现技术和理论,通过实例将知识点与开发实战紧密结合,从而达到学以致用的目的。通读本书,不仅可以全面掌握J2EE高级开发知识,而且可以了解更多J2EE应用技巧。研究本书大案例还有助于读者体会到使用J2EE开发大型应用时需要注意哪些问题,帮助读者建立大局观。- This book belongs to the case development series, take "the on-line shopping system" as the baseline, passes through introduced J2EE is connected the high-level realization technology and the theory, through example knowledge and development actual combat in close integration with, thus achieved studies for the purpose of application goal. Passes the textbook book, not only may comprehensively grasp the J2EE high-level development knowledge, moreover may understand the more J2EE application skill. Studies this book big case also to be helpful to the reader realized uses J2EE develops when the large-scale application needs to pay attention to which questions, helps the reader to establish general situation view.