首页 » Education soft system » 题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 (Bounded

题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 (Bounded

于 2022-08-14 发布 文件大小:176.75 kB
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题目:多线程同步方法解决生产者-消费者问题 (Bounded - Buffer Problem) 内容:有界缓冲区内设有10个存储单元,放入/取出的数据项 设定为1~10这10个整形数。要求每个生产者和消费者对有界 缓冲区进行操作后,即时显示有界缓冲区的全部内容、当前指针位 置和生产者/消费者标识符。-topics : multithreaded synchronization solution to producer-consumer (Bounded- Buffer Problem) : Bounded buffer There are 10 storage units, Add/remove data items for a set of 10 ~ 10 plastic few. Require each producer and consumer sector of the buffer zone is operated, immediately after the show sector of the buffer zone all the contents of the current position and producer/consumer identifier.



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