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DSP2812 SPWM源码

于 2022-08-07 发布 文件大小:777.17 kB
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TIDSP2812 开发板例程,SPWM源码,学习非常不错的东东,非常齐全。



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  • Genetic_Algorithm_for_Mapping
    采用遗传算法来实现任务图到多核处理器的映射功能。遗传算法是计算机科学人工智能领域中用于解决最优化的一种搜索启发式算法,是进化算法的一种。这种启发式通常用来生成有用的解决方案来优化和搜索问题。进化算法最初是借鉴了进化生物学中的一些现象而发展起来的,这些现象包括遗传、突变、自然选择以及杂交等。遗传算法通常实现方式为一种计算机模拟。对于一个最优化问题,一定数量的候选解(称为个体)的抽象表示(称为染色体)的种群向更好的解进化。传统上,解用二进制表示(即0和1的串),但也可以用其他表示方法。进化从完全随机个体的种群开始,之后一代一代发生。在每一代中,整个种群的适应度被评价,从当前种群中随机地选择多个个体(基于它们的适应度),通过自然选择和突变产生新的生命种群,该种群在算法的下一次迭代中成为当前种群。这个程序通过遗传算法那实现任务图到多核的映射的路径最优。(Using genetic algorithms to achieve the task graph mapping to multicore processors . Genetic algorithms are used in the field of artificial intelligence in computer science to solve an optimization heuristic search algorithm , an evolutionary algorithm . This heuristic is typically used to generate a useful solution to optimization and search problems. Evolutionary algorithm was originally borrowed from evolutionary biology and developed a number of phenomena , these phenomena include genetic mutation , natural selection and hybridization . Genetic algorithms are typically implemented as a computer simulation methods . For an optimization problem , a number of candidate solutions ( called individuals ) an abstract representation of the population ( called chromosomes ) to evolve a better solution . Traditionally, the solution of the binary representation ( i.e., a string of 0 and 1 ) , but can also be expressed by other methods . Evolved from a completely random population of individua)
    2020-12-11 12:49:18下载
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  • jushuSAR
    在分析聚束合成孔径雷j盘(SAR)方位向时频关系的基础上,提出了一种新的全孔径分辨率SAR成像算法。 根据SAR在条带与聚束模式下回波信号之间的差别,利用现有成熟的条带SAR成像算法实现先对聚束SAR各方位向子 孔径成像,而后再将各方位子孔径带宽合成为全孔径带宽,以形成具有全孔径分辨率的SAR图像,极大降低了系统PRF 的要求。(In the analysis of spotlight synthetic aperture radar dish j (SAR) azimuth based on the time-frequency relationship, a new full-aperture resolution SAR imaging algorithm. According to SAR in strip and spotlight mode, the difference between the echo signal, the use of existing mature band SAR imaging algorithm first bit of the spotlight SAR the parties to the sub-aperture imaging, and then place then all the bandwidth synthetic aperture the bandwidth for the full aperture to form a full aperture resolution SAR images, greatly reducing the system PRF requirements.)
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