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于 2008-03-21 发布 文件大小:18KB
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  一个很有用的EM算法程序包,可用于混合高斯模型,值得一看哦(A useful package of the EM algorithm can be used in mixed-Gaussian model, see Oh)



0 个回复

  • choleski
    该代码是采用了feedforward改进算法的choleski decomposition,可用于矩阵方程的求解(The code is for choleski decomposition with feedforward method)
    2010-11-11 11:02:37下载
  • WiMAX
    it is about wimax,which is the most important technology .
    2014-09-17 22:23:30下载
  • Question4
    Network connectivity
    2013-05-11 18:10:54下载
  • BP-and-SOM
    BP(Back Propagation)网络是一种按误差逆传播算法训练的多层前馈网络,是目前应用最广泛的神经网络模型之一。 BP网络能学习和存贮大量的输入-输出模式映射关系,而无需事前揭示描述这种映射关系的数学方程。 它的学习规则是使用最速下降法,通过反向传播来不断调整网络的权值和阈值,使网络的误差平方和最小。BP神经网络模型拓扑结构包括输入层(input)、隐层(hide layer)和输出层(output layer)。 通过对信息的提取以及记忆,用作分类、聚类、预测等。 (BP (Back Propagation) network is a pre-press error back propagation algorithm Multilayer feedforward network, is one of the most widely used neural network model. BP network can learn and store a large amount of input- output mode mapping without prior reveal mathematical equations that describe the mapping relationship. It s learning rule is to use the steepest descent method, by reverse spread to constantly adjust the network weights and thresholds and the minimum sum of squared error of the network. BP neural network topology comprises an input layer (input), hidden layer (hide layer) and an output layer (output layer). By extracting information and memory, it is used as classification, clustering, prediction.)
    2016-03-09 10:41:33下载
  • svc23
    说明:  SVM 的代码,工具箱的使用内部有详细的说明,请读者看看Matlab代码中参数使用,将训练数据以矩阵形式输入,即可使用(SVM code, the use of the toolbox there are detailed instructions, please take a look at Matlab code readers parameter use, will be a matrix of training data input, you can use)
    2008-10-09 10:42:46下载
    a simple code for plot some kinds of geophysical data (such shot, CMP,... gathers).
    2014-08-20 05:45:09下载
  • park
    数学建模之公园建路问题(2012年西北工业大学数学建模竞赛)(Mathematical modeling of the park was built Northwestern Polytechnical University Mathematical Contest in Modeling (2012))
    2012-09-07 19:41:48下载
  • efjiwwvm
    GPS和INS组合导航程序,是国外的成品模型,计算加权加速度,使用拉亚普诺夫指数的公式,包括最小二乘法、SVM、神经网络、1_k近邻法,车牌识别定位程序的部分功能,一种噪声辅助数据分析方法。( GPS and INS navigation program, Foreign model is finished, Weighted acceleration, Raya Punuo Fu index using the formula, Including the least squares method, the SVM, neural networks, 1 _k neighbor method, Part of the license plate recognition locator feature, A noise auxiliary data analysis method.)
    2016-04-08 22:59:34下载
    利用自适应抵消法提高声矢量圆阵的稳健性,本例得到输出信干噪比随输入信噪比的变化曲线。(Using adaptive method to improve the acoustic vector offset circular array of robustness, in this case to obtain an output SINR curve with the input signal to noise ratio.)
    2020-10-21 15:07:24下载
  • ecg
    ECG compilation for R-R detection. don t remember anything else from this file
    2011-05-04 22:09:03下载
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