仿真1:首先把网络温度参数T固定在100,按工作规则共进行1000次状态更新,把这1000次状态转移中网络中的各个状态出现的次数Si(i=1,2,…,16)记录下来 按下式计算各个状态出现的实际频率: Pi=Si/∑i=1,NSi=Si/M 同时按照Bo1tzmann分布计算网络各个状态出现概率的理论值: Q(Ei)=(1/Z)exp(-Ei/T) 仿真2:实施降温方案,重新计算 采用快速降温方案:T(t)= T0/(1+t) T从1000降到0.01,按工作规则更新网络状态 当T=0.01时结束降温,再让T保持在0.01进行1000次状态转移,比较两种概率-a simulation : First of all network parameters temperature T fixed at 100 and, according to the rules for a total of 1000 to update the state, this state of the 1000 network transfer of all states for the number of Si (i = 1, 2, ..., 16) all recorded determined by the formula state-of the actual frequency : Pi = Si/i = 1, NSi = Si/M in accordance with Bo1tzmann distributed computing network of states all probability the theoretical value : Q (Ei) = (1/Z) exp (- Ei/T) Simulation 2 : implementation of cooling, re-using rapid cooling programs : T (t) = T0/(1 t) T dropped to 0.01 from 1000 and, according to the rules updated network state when T = 0.01 at the end of cooling, let T at 0.01 for the 1000 state tran