首页 » 电子书 » Dotpot PortReady 是一个多线程的端口扫描工具,用于进行狂速端口扫描。它具有极快的速度│ │和方便友好的操作界面,能快速地对大网段范围进行 Con...

Dotpot PortReady 是一个多线程的端口扫描工具,用于进行狂速端口扫描。它具有极快的速度│ │和方便友好的操作界面,能快速地对大网段范围进行 Con...

于 2022-08-03 发布 文件大小:21.28 kB
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Dotpot PortReady 是一个多线程的端口扫描工具,用于进行狂速端口扫描。它具有极快的速度│ │和方便友好的操作界面,能快速地对大网段范围进行 Connect方式端口扫描。同时具有获取端口标识│ │的功能,可以用来快速地获取端口标识(Banner),内定对80端口标识进行特别处理,能方便地获取Web│ │Server类型。PortReady 1.6同时提供Windows图形版本和控制台版本,不管是在图形环境下,还是在│ │控制台模式中,都可以方便自如地进行端口扫描。 │ │-Dotpot PortReady is a multithreaded port scanning tool used for mad port scanning speed. It is extremely rapid and convenient-- and friendly user interface, it can quickly to a large network of the scope Connect port scanning mode. While access to ports with logo-- the function can be used to quickly access port identification (Banner), the designated ports of 80 for a special logo, easy access to the Web Server-- type. PortReady 1.6 also provides graphical Windows version and the console versions, whether in a graphical environment, or-- console model, can easily facilitate the ports to scan.



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