三维饼图IntroductionHi all!! Well I have been looking for a pie control that would u...
三维饼图IntroductionHi all!! Well I have been looking for a pie control that would use the skin images instead ofsimple colors and just could not find that. And I struggled quit a lot to make it but ..:( anywayso found out another solution that is 3D pie control that could satisfy my needs. I got itdeveloped with one of my bright colleagues, Amit Ganguly, who is a fresh engineer and strongwith mathematics. So guys just download it, use it, and let me know your comments/-3D pie IntroductionHi all! ! Well I have been looking for a pie that would control the use images instead ofsimple skin colors and just could not find that. And I struggled quit a lot to make it but .. : (anywayso found out another 3D solution that is pie control that could satisfy my needs. I got itdeveloped with one of my bright colleagues, Amit Ganguly, who is a fresh engineer and strongwith mathematics. So guys just download it, use it, and let me know your comments /