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PPT playback environment structures: one, create a new Web Project 2, will be un...

于 2022-07-27 发布 文件大小:3.29 MB
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PPT播放功能 环境的搭建: 1、新建一个Web工程 2、将Jsp下的JSP页面和images拷贝到工程的WebRoot里面 3、将Enviroument下的images文件夹拷贝到工程的WebRoot里面 运行注意事项: 1、JS文件的编码是utf-8-PPT playback environment structures: one, create a new Web Project 2, will be under jsp JSP pages and images copied to WebRoot inside 3 projects will be Enviroument folder under the images are copied to the project running inside WebRoot NOTES: 1, JS file encoding is utf-8



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