Made use of Precise Point Positioning (precise point positioning, PPP) technolog...
提出了利用精密单点定位(precise point positioning,PPP)技术进行海啸预警的方法,并利用TriP软件对实测浮标数据进行了处理,将得出的海面高数据和海啸波模型叠加进行了模拟分析。仿真结果表明,利用精密单点定位技术进行海啸预警,能够监测判断海啸的发生,并获得海啸波到达海岸的波高和时间,提供一定的预警信息。 -Made use of Precise Point Positioning (precise point positioning, PPP) technology for tsunami early warning methods and the use of Trip software buoy measured data were processed, will come to the surface of high tsunami wave model data and conducted a simulation analysis of superposition. The simulation results show that the use of Precise Point Positioning for the tsunami early warning, to monitor to determine the occurrence of the tsunami, and tsunami wave reached the coast, wave height and time, provide some early warning information.