StatSVN能够从Subversion版本库中取得信息,然后生成描述项目开发的各种表格和图表。比如:代码行数的时间线;针对每个开发者的代码行数;开发者的活跃程度;开发者最近所提交的;文件数量;平均文件大小;最大文件;哪个文件是修改最多次数的;目录大小;带有文件数量和代码行数的Repository tree。StatSVN当前版本能够生成一组包括表格与图表的静态HTML文档。-StatSVN version from the Subversion repository access to information, and then describes the project development to generate the various tables and charts. For example: a few lines of code the time line for each developer a few lines of code developers the level of activity developers recently submitted the volume of documents the average file size maximum file Which document is to amend the most directory size with a number of documents and code number of rows of the Repository tree. The current version of StatSVN generates a set of tables and charts, including static HTML document.