This a collection of utilities for warping of MRI image volumes. See the man p...
This a collection of utilities for warping of MRI image volumes. See the man pages for documentation. The warp method is described in detail in the following paper Enhancing the Multivariate Signal of 15-O water PET Studies With a New Non-Linear Neuroanatomical Registration Algorithm IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1999, 18(6), p306-19 -This a collection of utilities for warpi Vi of MRI image volumes. See the man pages for doc umentation. The warp method is described in det annexed in the following paper Enhancing the Multiv ariate Signal of 15-O water PET Studies With a Ne w Non-Linear Registration Al Neuroanatomical gorithm IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 1999, 18 (6), p306-19