#include #defineM5 #defineN3 #defineFALSE0 #defineTRUE1 银行家如何进行投资的简单算法-IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">  #include #defineM5 #defineN3 #defineFALSE0 #defineTRUE1 银行家如何进行投资的简单算法 - IMDN开发者社群-imdn.cn">
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于 2022-07-19 发布 文件大小:4.18 kB
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#include "string.h"  #include   #include   #define M 5  #define N 3  #define FALSE 0  #define TRUE 1  银行家如何进行投资的简单算法



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  • In this note we make a critical comparison of some matlab programs for the digit...
    详细表述了分数阶傅立叶变换的离散实现,将现有的算法进行比较。-In this note we make a critical comparison of some matlab programs for the digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform that are freely available and we describe our own implementation that lters the best out of the existing ones. Two types of transforms are considered: First the fast approximate fractional Fourier transform algorithm for which two algorithms are available. The method is described in H.M. Ozaktas, M.A. Kutay, and G. Bozdagi. Digital computation of the fractional Fourier transform. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 44:2141{2150, 1996. There are two implementations: one is written by A.M. Kutay the other is part of package written by J. O Neill. Secondly the discrete fractional Fourier transform algorithm described in the master thesis C . Candan. The discrete fractional Fourier transform, Bilkent Univ., 1998 and an algorithm described by S.C. Pei, M.H. Yeh, and C.C Tseng: Digital fractional Fourier transform base
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  • If you have not registered, Please [regist first].You should upload at least fiv...
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