C8051F330/1 MCU 有一个可编程内部高频振荡器、一个可编程内部低频振荡器和一个外部振荡器驱动电路。可以通过对 OSCICN 和 OSCICL 寄存...
C8051F330/1 MCU 有一个可编程内部高频振荡器、一个可编程内部低频振荡器和一个外部振荡器驱动电路。可以通过对 OSCICN 和 OSCICL 寄存器编程来使能/禁止内部高频振荡器和调节其输出频率(参看振荡器框图);可以通过对 OSCLCN 寄存器编程来使能/禁止内部低频振荡器和调节其输出频率(参看图9.3)。系统时钟可以由外部振荡器电路或任何一个内部振荡器提供。表9.1给出了内部振荡器的电气特性。 -C8051F330/1 MCU has a programmable internal high-frequency oscillator, a programmable internal low frequency oscillator and an external oscillator drive circuit. Can register on OSCICN and OSCICL programming to enable/disable the internal high-frequency oscillator and adjust its output frequency (see diagram oscillator) OSCLCN can register through the programming to enable/disable the internal low frequency oscillator and adjust its output frequency (see Figure 9.3). System clock can be external oscillator circuit, or any provision of an internal oscillator. Table 9.1 gives the electrical characteristics of the internal oscillator.