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all generated static html website, reduce server load, easily collected by searc...

于 2022-07-15 发布 文件大小:495.23 kB
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全部生成静态html网页,减轻服务器负载,容易被搜索引擎收录,采用模板引擎 SMARTY 便于模板的开发,支持多数据库,数据库函数被封装成类 ,自检式安装界面,类似word的图文编辑器htmlArea,静态html目录存放方式可选,支持站内搜索,后台和功能块均支持模板,语言包功能,投票功能,并控制在首页显示,支持评论和评论管理,支持友情链接功能,支持投稿功能,支持投票功能,支持任意多个图形附件上传,后台提供附件动态管理,支持web在线发送邮件,后台管理,支持数据库备份,防止数据灾难性丢失,保证数据安全,支持无限级分类,任意设置,支持公告发布和管理,公告支持有效期,用户注册,投稿,文章批量删除和移动,支持用户组,模板编辑,导入功能,数据库优化,导入导出,密码修改,后台投票管理,语言包编辑,投票功能 -all generated static html website, reduce server load, easily collected by search engines, using template engine Copyright 2004-2006 templates to facilitate the development, support multiple database functions have been packaged as such, the installation of self-check-style interface, similar to word a graphic editor htmlArea, static html directory optional storage methods, support station search, background and function block support template language pack functions, voting functions, and control of the Home show support management comments and comments to support Links function, writing support functions, support functions to vote in su



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