E398支持GPRS高速网络下载,加上支持JAVA程序,用户可以下载或者自行编辑JAVA程序以丰富手机的应用程序,现时网络上JAVA的程序已经十分普遍,用户下载也非常的简单方便。E398还增添了TF卡以加大内存容量,别小看TF卡小小的体积,但其最大的存储容量可以达到128MB,如此细小的体积十分适用于体积越来越轻便的手机,预计MOTO也会不断在日后的机型中使用TF卡作为扩展内存的设备。-E398 GPRS high-speed network to download, combined with support for Java, users can download Java or edit their own procedures to rich mobile applications, network JAVA procedures have been widespread, users download is a very simple and convenient. The E398 has been added to increase TF card memory capacity, TF Do not underestimate the size of a small card, but its biggest storage capacity can reach 128, so the volume is very small in size portable phones, Motorola is expected in the future will continue to use the model TF expansion memory cards as the equipment .