首页 » Matlab » 基于Hough变换的人眼虹膜定位方法


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0 个回复

  • qpsk-RRC
    qpsk的仿真以及根升余弦滤波器成形另外有误比特率的比较(qpsk simulation and shaping the root raised cosine filter)
    2021-02-20 09:09:43下载
  • geatbsrc_v380p
    这是解决优化问题的遗传算法压缩包,实用性强,可以应用于不同的专业领域。(This is a genetic algorithm to solve optimization problems compressed, practical, can be applied to different areas of expertise.)
    2013-10-20 19:18:37下载
  • iterative
    Iterative thresholding
    2015-03-28 14:14:39下载
  • 主函数
    说明:  基于遗传算法的matlab实现多目标优化问题(Multi-objective optimization problem based on genetic algorithm matlab)
    2019-06-29 17:09:15下载
  • ForcedPendulum
    This simulink model simulates the damped driven pendulum, showing it s chaotic motion. theta = angle of pendulum omega = (d/dt)theta = angular velocity Gamma(t) = gcos(phi) = Force omega_d = (d/dt) phi Gamma(t) = (d/dt)omega + omega/Q + sin(theta) Play with the initial conditions (omega_0, theta_0, phi_0 = omega(t=0), theta(t=0), phi(t=0)) and the system parameters (g, Q, omega_d) and the solver parameters/method. Chaos can be seen for Q=2, omega_d=w/3. The program outputs to Matlab time, theta(time) & omega(time). Plot the phase space via: plot(mod(theta+pi, 2*pi)-pi, omega, . ) Plot the Poincare sections using: t_P = (0:2*pi/omega_d:max(time)) plot(mod(spline(time, theta+pi, t_P), 2*pi)-pi, spline(time, omega, t_P), . ) System is described in: "Fractal basin boundaries and intermittency in the driven damped pendulum" E. G. Gwinn and R. M. Westervelt PRA 33(6):4143 (1986) (This simulink model simulates the damped driven pendulum, showing it s chaotic motion. theta = angle of pendulum omega = (d/dt)theta = angular velocity Gamma(t) = gcos(phi) = Force omega_d = (d/dt) phi Gamma(t) = (d/dt)omega+ omega/Q+ sin(theta) Play with the initial conditions (omega_0, theta_0, phi_0 = omega(t=0), theta(t=0), phi(t=0)) and the system parameters (g, Q, omega_d) and the solver parameters/method. Chaos can be seen for Q=2, omega_d=w/3. The program outputs to Matlab time, theta(time) & omega(time). Plot the phase space via: plot(mod(theta+pi, 2*pi)-pi, omega, . ) Plot the Poincare sections using: t_P = (0:2*pi/omega_d:max(time)) plot(mod(spline(time, theta+pi, t_P), 2*pi)-pi, spline(time, omega, t_P), . ) System is described in: "Fractal basin boundaries and intermittency in the driven damped pendulum" E. G. Gwinn and R. M. Westervelt PRA 33(6):4143 (1986) )
    2010-02-17 07:28:51下载
  • Up2
    Matlab file having different period
    2009-08-28 20:44:50下载
  • 基于最优流的配电网络重构程序
    说明:  提出了一种基于改进最优流和遗传算法的配电网重构算法.该算法先利用配电网的同胚图将重构问题的全局寻优空间划分为若干子空间,然后利用改进最优流法寻找子空间内的最优解,之后再利用遗传算法搜索全局最优解所在的子空间,从而实现在局部最优解中寻找全局最优解.(A distribution network reconfiguration algorithm based on improved optimal flow and genetic algorithm is proposed. First, the global optimization space of the reconfiguration problem is divided into several subspaces by using the homeomorphic graph of the distribution network. Then, the improved optimal flow method is used to find the optimal solution in the subspace. Then, the genetic algorithm is used to search the subspace where the global optimal solution is located, so as to find the global optimal solution in the local optimal solution. The optimal solution.)
    2019-10-03 14:52:53下载
  • 因本人编程基础较差,所以程序较简单,不过这样比较适合于初学者!...
    2022-05-29 01:19:02下载
    MFSK Programs for minimum shift keying modulation and demodulation
    2010-12-14 00:37:59下载
  • kmanes2
    k means clustering algorithm new 2 cluster
    2013-11-04 05:00:43下载
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